專門為 想要「提升自我」、「提升情感能力」、「踏上頂端」... 的 男人



講師:How 情聖培訓家


  • 洞察女生心理,女人心不再海底針
  • 網路聊天、約會一網打盡
  • 異性緣拓展方法,情人節與伴侶一起過
  • ​牽手、接吻、告白方法,曖昧指南
  • ​在感情中擁有安全感,有自信有底氣
→ 變成情聖的方向、可以立即改變的指南
 (價值:980 新台幣)

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DISCLAIMER: We don’t believe in effortless change; we believe in choosing the right direction and putting in effort to build healthy relationships. As required by law, we cannot and will not guarantee any specific outcomes or results for you. Furthermore, your life results depend on you—do you agree? We strive to provide you with the best knowledge and strategies to help you progress faster. However, the content on this page or any of our websites, emails, or videos does not constitute a promise or guarantee of future results. Any student cases, outcomes, or feedback mentioned on our websites or in emails are factual shares based on past results and should not be interpreted as an excuse not to put in effort or learn. All cases are for illustrative purposes only. If you have any questions, please contact us at
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